International Cooperative Day

Since 1923, this day celebrates the collaboration and association of people or groups with the same interests.

Today, July 4th, is the International Day of Cooperatives. It was formerly known as Cooperation Day and, since 1994, it has been officially recognized as International Cooperativism Day.

Cooperativism is a precept that indicates the collaboration and association of people or groups with the same interests, and with the objective of acquiring common advantages for their economic activities.

One of the basis of cooperativism is social progress through cooperation and mutual help, whereby those who find themselves in the same situation manage, by the sum of their efforts, to guarantee their survival.

Directly, on economic relations, cooperativism acts with the objective of reducing production costs, having better price and term conditions, that is, inferring in the current system in the search for alternatives.

Currently, cooperative actions are present in agriculture, health, education, housing systems, in the form of credit unions, consumption, services, electrification and telecommunications.

At Coopasv we work on the move, aiming to promote dialogue among members. Working transparently and dynamically in support of the demands of the coffee market. Cooperativism has promoted the economic, social and environmental improvement of our members.