Cooperate Day 2021

Social responsibility is a commitment to seek a country with more opportunities.

In July 2021, Coopasv participated in the “Cooperate Day”, which is a solidary action with the objective of collecting donations for entities and people.

“The ‘Cooperate Day’ is a social responsibility program of Brazilian cooperativism, started in Minas Gerais in 2009, whose main focus is to encourage volunteering and transforming social impacts in communities. Since 2015, C-Day has been assigned from Ocemg and today it takes place throughout Brazil, confirming the commitment of cooperatives in the search for a fairer country, with better opportunities for everyone.”

In partnership with Sicoob, Coapsul, Roney Supermercados and SW Supermercados, more than 2,000 toilet paper rolls and 3,000 disposable cups were donated to Santa Casa de Três Pontas. In addition to these products, Coopasv donated 42kg of coffee.

Making a difference in the world and being able to contribute to the lives of people and entities are small victories that we can celebrate every day. And all this is only possible thanks to our friends and partnerships.