Fruits of Life

From the trust planted in the past, today we reap our “Fruits of Life”.

One of the things that Coopasv believes most is in the human being, in cultivating good stories and providing the harvest and good fruits in people’s lives.

Great stories that we can share are from all our social projects that, with commitment and affection, contribute to planting and reaping life transformations through empathy.

The Coopasv family feels more and more fulfilled by so many good achievements and so many incredible “fruits” scattered around… and look that these “fruits” are all over the world!

The “Fruits of Life” that Coopasv helped to plant, harvest and conquer, with the presence of each one of you, are the roots that continue to grow, and that always teach us to believe and value in the solidarity and human side, that are part of our essence.


And you, what Fruit of life do you have to share and inspire?

The gift of reaping good results is the result of our dedication and commitment to helping others.